So I thought I’d write about sexism in video games,
after all, it’s about time a white man gave his perspective on the issue. It’s
a topic that’s been coming up a lot recently and lots of other blogs and
articles have already echoed my own thoughts, but I’d thought I go through the
issue nonetheless.
At the end of May IO Interactive, released this trailer
for the new Hitman Game.
There’s already been articles written on the topic here
that dissect the controversy, this one does a better job that I’m going to do
But let’s just summarise what happens in this trailer:
Agent 47 takes off his blood-soaked clothing, cleans his wounds, and then puts
on his iconic suit and tie. Meanwhile a group of Assassin nuns , march towards
Agent 47’s motel, strip-off their garb to reveal latex PVC/latex leather
bondage style nun gear, continue towards the motel where Agent 47 is hiding,
and shoot it with a rocket launcher. Then there’s a cut and Agent 47 appears
behind them silently takes a couple of them down and a gory battle ensues in
which he violently takes down these eight scantily-dressed, tattooed assassins.
I’m interested to know the thinking behind his plan
exactly. These women have been tasked with assassinating Agent 47, so they
disguise themselves as nuns, hire a school bus and then take a rocket launcher
with them? Um Okay? Well uh… maybe dressing as nuns meant they’d be able to
sneak through passport control without suspicion or something, I don’t know. I
still don’t get why they had to strip down to latex gear before shooting the
motel with a rocket launcher. Didn’t exactly seem combat practical, a little
less unwieldy than nun’s robes I guess, but you’d think they could have
something much more suitable on underneath. Maybe they all have 2nd jobs at a
bondage club and they knew they wouldn’t have time to change after the
Well whatever flimsy excuse you could conjure together,
the main visual images of the trailer is women stripping off into revealing
gear and getting violently beaten and killed by agent 47. Yes this kind of
violence isn’t really anything, and this kind of objectification of women isn’t
really anything new either. Taken on their own they’re slightly dodgy,
questionable things, but have become so ingrained that we’re used. The real
problem comes from the combination of the two. Firstly there’s cheap shock
value of juxtaposing the traditionally ‘pure’ repressed nuns with overt
sexuality. Then they strip off and attack agent 47, and it’s now that we see
him violently killing them all. I know their assassins and he’s defending
himself, but there’s a subtext that they’re being punished for being slutty. It
may not have literally been what the makers of the trailer intended, but this
attitude is so prevalent; it’s hard to see it being taken any other way. This
has been quite an on-going trope in media this was something
initially pointed out to me by a university lecturer that the “promiscuous”
girl in a horror movie will be the first victim. This isn’t just about
religious ideas, there’s an ingrained idea in society that it’s worse for a
woman to be sexually promiscuous. Women should be virgins… men not so much.
Although women shouldn’t be frigid bitches either of course.
I’m hardly the first to point this hypocrisy out of
course, but I’ve started to think this needs to be pointed out a lot more and
men should probably be more vocally against this as well, In part I’ve been
inspired by Greg Proops’ Smartest Man in the World podcasts, and Jen Kirkman's Jen Kirkman’s
blog on women in comedy
But as I was saying, it’s the combining of sexualisation and violence; these two things together reveal some troubling attitudes. Evil femme fatale/ asskicking, scantily clad assassins aren’t that unusual, though they’ve always been a dubious premise for film and videogame characters, but even putting that aside, putting such overt objectification and graphic violence towards women is something else entirely.
That’s what commenters on the Keza MacDonald’s article
seemed to miss and it’s the sheer defensive rage and idiotic point missing on
display in these comments about representation of women in video games that’s
troubling to me. It made me realize that this is a more pressing issue than I’d
first thought.
So I became slightly alarmed by the language the
Executive Producer of the new Tomb Raider game used when discussing the new
game. The new character design for Lara was actually quite encouraging , she’d
considerably less sex appeal, and the game was promoted as an ”origin story” a
reboot for the franchise. It seemed like they were trying to make the character
less defined by her assets. But as more was revealed, there appears to be
something slightly sinister to the game, much of the focus seemed to be on how
much physical punishment Lara takes. This is still potentially justifiable,
action heroes will suffer before they triumph. But then Executive Produce Ron
Rosenberg said this in an interview with Kotaku
"When people play Lara, they don't really project
themselves into the character," Rosenberg told me at E3 last week when I
asked if it was difficult to develop for a female protagonist.
"They're more like 'I want to protect her.'
There's this sort of dynamic of 'I'm going to this adventure with her and
trying to protect her.'"
So is she still the hero? I asked Rosenberg if we
should expect to look at Lara a little bit differently than we have in the
"She's definitely the hero but— you're kind of
like her helper," he said. "When you see her have to face these
challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a
male character."
Now this doesn’t quite seem right. The implication is
there’s a distance between player and character. It’s very misguided in its
language. What they’re doing seems to be trying to forge a stronger emotional
connection to the character. But
phrasing it in this way suggests it’s about male characters wanting to protect
the vulnerable helpless little lady, which is something Lara’s supposed to be
perfectly capable of doing. To top this off he also said revealed
“In the new Tomb Raider, Lara Croft will suffer. Her
best friend will be kidnapped. She'll get taken prisoner by island scavengers.
And then, Rosenberg says, those scavengers will try to rape her.
She is literally turned into a cornered animal,"
Rosenberg said. "It's a huge step in her evolution: she's forced to either
fight back or die."
Which does make it seem like the use of magic in the
series is going too far.
But anyway the rape bit is what’s concerning. I’m fine
with games addressing this as an issue, but the problem is from what we know of
its use, it’s just a bullet point in the trials Lara will have to endure. It’s
not going to be a serious analysis on the psychological effects of rape, and
it’s a lazy device to provoke emotion. There’s not really much more nuance to
“bad evil rapey man” and “pretty, vulnerable young woman” scenarios.
To be fair, this sounds more like a case of bad PR that
doesn’t quite explain things in a satisfying way, the offhand way it’s
mentioned doesn’t even seem like he’s courting controversy to me. It just
sounds more like men, not really thinking about how women might really feel in
this situation. But some of the intentions in the game do seem good, just ill
thought out and misguided.
*edit* Since writing this it's turned out the game is being written by Rhianna Pratchett who wrote Mirrors Edge. She talks about the story and the scene here
*edit* Since writing this it's turned out the game is being written by Rhianna Pratchett who wrote Mirrors Edge. She talks about the story and the scene here
So the other reason this topic has been in the news is because of a Kickstarter Project. A woman named Anita Sarkeesian started a project to:
“Explore, analyse and deconstruct some of the most
common tropes and stereotypes of female characters in games. The series will highlight the larger
recurring patterns and conventions used within the gaming industry rather than
just focusing on the worst offenders. “
As you can imagine this made YouTube commentators mad.
The mere idea that someone would even want to research the possibility sent
these people into a blind rage, this wasn’t even someone decrying games as
being massively sexist, and this was a gamer wanting to put together a research
project on the idea. It’s hardly even worth pointing out that there are nasty
comments being made on the internet, but this rage was so misdirected it almost
reached the level of surrealist art. You can see why young men on the internet
could feel defensive over the accusation that a hobby of theirs is wrong and
misogynistic. And indeed perhaps the reason they might not like seeing a woman
tell them what they should and shouldn’t be doing reminds them of their mother
telling them what to do, and that puts them into a childish, petulant rage.
It’s hardly surprising games have been so marginalized when there’s appears to
be its core audience.
The irony is of course that the abuse was so out of hand, the twitterverse and wider circles of the internet caught hold of the story and the abuse, and it helped the campaign immeasurably, meaning the project raised far more money than its initial target.
But these stories do reveal a very real problem of attitudes
women, not just in video games, but in wider society. Some of these online
abusers may just be young boys that will grow out of it, but it’s quite likely
if we saw the general age, a lot of them would be grown men too. So to other
men out, I think we need to make of a fuss about this as well. Terrible
representation of women in games is insulting to us as well. If we want nuanced
female characters we have to demand these things as well. If developers realize
their market isn’t just misogynistic young men then they’ll realize there’s
much wider market that they can appeal to and profit from. But that change
isn’t going come from tolerating the kind of crap we’ve been getting.
*UPDATE* I was just reading this article on the topic and found this quote too good not to update
Blystad is a nice, well-meaning man that simply doesn't
understand why anyone is mad about the trailer for his game. This is actually a
very large part of the problem.
Blystad isn't sure why this trailer in particular upset
people, when he feels this is the way the series has always presented itself.
When I asked him why these ladies were in dominatrix gear, and why they had to
remove their nun costumes before coming to kill Agent 47, he said the ladies
are "dressing as something less conspicuous, getting up to their mark, and
revealing their true colors."
He does not realize that giving these women dominatrix
outfits as their "true colors" is the problem.
Well there you go then, I think that sums up the
problems perfectly.